Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Site Critique/Project Proposal

1.     I think that with Water life, I am more attracted to the flash and then the content comes in a close second. This site has a ton of design, and I think that, that’s one of its major purposes. Its purpose is to get the reader excited and involved in learning about water. Lets face it if this were an HTML website (no offense to those) I would have skipped right through the site, not bothering to read much about the subject.  The interactivity is a major bonus; I went through each of the navigations to see what the next symbol of pictures would make relating to the topic. The typography really caught my eye especially on Water is Everything section, to highlight the word chemicals in that small paragraph with a reddish color really made me wonder what it’s in the water I’m currently drinking.
2.     Everything on this page is put into categories to help the reader narrow down to each of the subjects to see that water affects everything we do in our lives.  Yes it does change from page to page either showing an image or a movie so that the words and object relate to the topic.  Navigating this page can be done through either by the drop down side bar on the left, or the arrows on the bottom right, or by the wave bar on bottom of the page or by just clicking on one of the pictures that form the symbols relating to topics.   I don’t see any particular forms of hierarchy, probably because how can you say one piece of information is more important to than the other.  It does provide feedback along the top showing me where I currently am on the site.
3.     A. The color is mostly in the text, creating empathize on certain worlds. Yellow links at the bottom of each topic show the reader where we can learn even more about these certain topics. There is some texture found in some of the sites, some are made to look like they were drawn by hand there on the spot and other pages are given a texture that looks almost like somebody took a marker to it. This gives the illusion that the creators of this site care about this topic so much that they made it by hand, giving it that personal touch. The motion see on this site is amazing it feels like its constantly moving like water would. But this is a quality that the reader might not like so much if they get motion sickness very easily. Continually through the site the sound of water is played, almost like those CD’s that you find in the nature section of Wal-Mart. Some video clips have sound showing real people relating real experience of how water has affected their lives in some way or another. With the typography something text looks like it is handwritten while others are in bold san-serif font. It certainly gives attention to the words that are being emphasized. Visual hierarchy is shown by color, size and placement on the site’s pages. Repetition is used quite a bit on this website and that might become a little too much for the reader at times. But I think it’s used so much because the creators of this site are trying to get a message across, so if they use the repetition a ton it’s something is bound to stick with the reader.
4.   A lot of the content is visual, with some facts and bits of information attached. The main purpose of this site is to inform people about how water affects the way they life, that it is all around us.
5.   The audience of the site is anyone and everyone. At least people who want to make a change in the way they live and the way their family lives.
I think for my first project I might do it on the town of Price. Where I grew up and lived, kind of like an information site. Or I was thinking of doing my project about Kerbie my tortoise.
Which would be better?

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